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Low Back Pain

Low Back Pain treatment in Scottsdale, AZ

chiropractic services

Low Back Pain

Low back pain treatment in Scottsdale, AZ

Injury, overuse, and aging are among the most common causes of low back pain, but The Scottsdale Chiropractor in Scottsdale, Arizona, can help relieve your condition, without drugs or surgery. The team uses techniques, such as spinal decompression and adjustments, to return your spine to a normal position and relieve nerve pressure. Find out whether one of these treatments or others are appropriate for you by calling today or scheduling a consultation online.

What causes low back pain?

An injury is the most common cause of low back pain. Often, an old trauma, such as a car accident, creates a misalignment in your back that results in back pain.
Other causes of low back pain include:● Scoliosis● Osteoarthritis● Disc degeneration● Degenerative disc disease● Slips and falls● Sports injuries
Overuse, particularly from repetitive motion, is another source of low back pain

How does The Scottsdale Chiropractor find the source of low back pain?

Your practitioner at The Scottsdale Chiropractor begins with a complete physical exam. They ask about your symptoms and your medical history.
They hone in on your diagnosis by recommending:● Orthopedic tests● Neurological exams● Posture analysis● Range of motion assessmentThey may also suggest an X-ray of your spine.

How does chiropractic care address low back pain?

Based on your diagnosis, your practitioner recommends one or more treatments designed to address the misalignment or nerve issue causing your low back pain.
Therapeutic techniques available from The Scottsdale Chiropractor include:
Spinal adjustmentSpinal adjustment is a procedure to gently move your spine to its original, natural position to help relieve nerve interference that’s causing back pain. An adjustment may help you function at an optimal level and avoid pain.
Spinal decompressionThis technique slowly lengthens and then releases your spine in a controlled fashion. The process creates negative pressure in your discs to relieve back pain.
Cold light laser therapyCold light laser therapy uses both infrared and cold laser light to ease back pain and reduce inflammation and swelling. The noninvasive treatment is an alternative to back surgery.
Physical therapy is another standard treatment option. Before you begin any treatment program, your practitioner explains all of the pros and cons of each procedure. You have plenty of opportunities to ask questions.

How soon will I gain relief from low back pain?

The team at The Scottsdale Chiropractor develops a holistic treatment plan to ease your symptoms while focusing on addressing the source of your neck pain.
Your treatment options include but aren’t limited to:
● Immobilization: a neck brace to allow your injury to heal● Physical therapy: to improve your strength and posture● Cold light laser therapy: a noninvasive treatment to promote cellular healing
Your practitioner discusses these options and others. Together you decide on the most appropriate therapy to set you on the path to recovery. Find out more today by calling or booking a consultation online with The Scottsdale Chiropractor.