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Spinal Decompression
Spinal decompression procedures in Scottsdale, AZ
If you’re seeking pain relief without surgery, consider spinal decompression at The Scottsdale Chiropractor in Scottsdale, Arizona. The FDA-cleared technique eases pressure on pinched nerves and helps to reposition bulging discs. Find out whether this treatment is right for you by calling today or booking a consultation online.
● Herniated Discs● Sciatica● Spinal Arthritis● Failed Surgery● Bulging Discs● Degenerative Disc● Spinal Stenosis● Facet Syndrome● Radiculopathy● Headaches
Decompression Therapy relieves pain, reduces inflammation of the spine, and restores spinal motion all while treating the underlying cause.
Spinal Decompression Therapy creates negative pressures inside the herniated, bulging disc letting it retract naturally, thus relieving disc pressure on spinal nerves which usually relieves the pain. Reducing pressure in the disc also restores the natural transfer of surrounding fluids, nutrients, and oxygen into the disc, a process essential for disc health. Tears in the disc’s wall can now repair themselves while nutrients introduced back into the disc’s nucleus can reverse the disc’s degeneration and its collapse, and restore disc height which relieves pressure on inflamed spinal joints.
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